Sharing stories, dreams, and aspirations as I up-end my life, start a business, and plan for part-time travel.

I am a photographer, designer, wanderer, etsy-shop owner, fur-baby owner and smarta$$ that lives part-time from the road. My intent is to see as much of the world as I can. I want to share stories of my adventures, my art and the amazing communities of people I meet on the road.

Life is too short to live in a cubicle.

Blog Topics

Creative Process Joy Creative Process Joy

Happy Wednesday!

Deny it and the world knows your lying. However, If you could pause and stop doom scrolling — share my small business to your socials, I promise Sawyer and I will not tell anyone what you were doing 😉. We would be grateful and appreciate any extra love you might spare!

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Creative Process Joy Creative Process Joy

Tis the season

Are you ready? I’m not. Not even close. December has quickly turned into, oh crap…I’m doing a lot. It’s exciting, but whew, the checklist of challenges, new ways to increase business, developing product for both Etsy and craft shows and events—it’s intense.

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Creative Process Joy Creative Process Joy

Starting My Creative Business

It’s a SH!TSTORM! I embarked on my Etsy journey back in 2019 — it is my creative outlet. I’ve dug my heels in this April to make this a viable online business. I feel like I’m swimming upstream. It has been a continuous cycle of learning, dedicated efforts toward enhancement, and the relentless emergence of fresh design ideas.

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Creative Process Joy Creative Process Joy

Distractions are the…

I relate to Dug. Often things distract me. I start a project, and while I’m actually working on something, a random thought “oh, I should do this” pops into my head and I’m down the rabbit hole of creative tasks and projects. Sometimes it can be weeks before I get back to the ORIGINAL task.

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