My Story

Sawyer aka Batdog

Life is too short to live in a cubicle!

I strongly believe that each person has something that brings them happiness, although it's not always easy to uncover. Sometimes it can take years of searching, a major life event, or a wake-up call to discover what truly brings us joy.

I don't believe that we are meant to lead just one static life, with one job and one set path. Instead, life is a series of interconnected experiences and opportunities that shift and evolve as we grow and mature. Our desires, wants, and wishes change and adapt with us, ebbing and flowing as we navigate through life's journey.

In 2017, I found myself in the midst of a major life shift. I realized that my purpose wasn't meant to be confined to one place, but rather to explore and document the world around us through photography and film, much like my grandfather did before me. That's when I discovered the joy of RV life and the freedom it provides to explore new places and create lasting memories.

Why RV Life?

Picture this: stuck in Los Angeles traffic for two hours, trying to figure out where you want to live and work next. First, you need a job, then you need to figure out where you want that job to be, then you have to find a place to live, pack everything you are taking with you. Then move and unpack everything—by yourself! Sounds like a nightmare, right? Well, that's exactly where I found myself not too long ago. But then a someone asked me a simple question that changed everything: "Where do you want to live?"

That's when I dove headfirst into research, scouring Pinterest for inspiration and discovering the world of RV life. I bought “Living in an RV” a digital book by Alyssa Padgett, began listening to Heath Padgett’s podcast (RV Entrepreneur) everyday, driving to and from work. Watched countless YouTube videos. Read more blogs, researched specifications on RV’s, walked through and test drove multiple rigs, and spent countless hours driving from RV dealer to RV Dealer throughout LA. Two years later, I took the plunge and bought my first RV, hitting the road and heading east to Ohio.

Now, I'm sharing my journey and experiences with the world. Through my love of photography, I'm rediscovering my passion for capturing the perfect shot and documenting the amazing places I visit along the way. If you want to support me and my adventures, check out my support page where you can donate however you like.

The Adventure so Far.