Living Full-Time in an RV

Life in an RV

It’s been 25 days since I’ve left my old life and began traveling across the US. I traveled quite quickly across the country following Route 66. I have since learned, I do not like that pace. I prefer the slower travel style, giving myself plenty of time to handle “everyday” tasks like laundry, paying bills, cleaning, and “normal” life. While I LOVE the places I have seen so far, I feel like my four days at the Grand Canyon were almost perfect.

Many RV parks can be booked for one week. I think that will be my goal. 5-7 days at a park, travel, spend a night at a Harvest Host, and then 5-7 days at another park. It will take me longer to get places but I think it will help my sanity…lol

I found myself spending 2 nights at most parks. I would arrive around 3 pm, set up, and then have to think about my next move, which did not allow me to enjoy where I was, spending more money on gas than I wanted.

When I moved across the country to LA, I did it in 2 1/2 days. Woke at sunrise drove till dark. It is definitely easier in a car.

Technically, I’m already in Ohio, the videos are behind (intentionally). I will be with family for a little more than a month handling a few #rvrenovations and spending time with them during the holidays. I was hoping to avoid the snow but it seems like we will be getting our first hit this coming weekend. (ugh)

I have been enjoying the autumn weather, the color-filled trees, and my dogs are enjoying the sheer number of squirrels (and deer), to the point in which they forget why we are outside in the first place.

I spend most of my time on projects, work, editing the remaining video, and borrowing a car to run errands and visit friends.

What have I learned?

  • Dry-Camping is not that bad, while intimidating, not bad; I still want to add solar, but that will be a project down the road.

  • I do not like driving the rig in bigger cities. I have found that most drivers do not care that it takes you longer to stop. It stresses me out. I know this is something that I will eventually get used to, but I’m still learning the rig, still figuring out the in-and-out of how it handles.

  • The dinette area is now my bed. I have two dogs that seemed to want to jump on the table every time I left, since one of them is 12 years old, I did not want to worry about him hurting himself…so the dinette is no more. It is now officially “the bed”

  • The jack-knife sofa is not that great, so while I am home my brother and I will be making a few changes to the rig (video to come later).

  • I need an e-bike. Just have to find the right one. I was going to look into getting a scooter but the bike just makes more sense (no gas) and If I’m staying a couple of miles away from something, it’s easy to handle, maneuver, and park to run errands.

  • I need to get a few things fixed/completed.

    Kitchen sink and shower leak.

    Air-bags in the suspension seems to not hold (on one side)

    I need an alignment.

    I need to install my WeBoost.

  • I need to purge again…so much…so much crap I’m not using!!!!

  • I need warmer clothes!!

Where do I go from here?

South. AWAY from the snow…

Haven’t really figured that part out yet. I plan on heading to Louisiana to see some friends and possibly the driving along the coast. That will get figured out. I have the National Geographic Scenic Highways and Byways book and will be researching more of the routes south.

I’m excited to see what stories I can find, what history I can uncover. There is so much of this planet that I want to explore and learn. I love finding these little nuggets, places that seem to hold a story waiting to be told. I love talking to other travelers. I’ve met so many amazing people on my journey so far.


Photographer, graphic designer, dog mom to Sawyer, Etsy shop owner, and solo traveler trying to make the most of the life I've been given. Life is too short to live in a cubicle. I get lost on backroads and share visual stories of the destinations I discover.

Route 66: High Winds, Colorful Cadillacs and Wine!


Taking the Grand Canyon Train!