Where the hell have I been?

Tiktok and YouTube, that’s where I am.

Current Socials:

TikTok (art/showcase/creatorprogram): https://www.tiktok.com/@seekingthejoy

TikTok (My Shop - sell my art): https://www.tiktok.com/@wanderlustandwit

YouTube: (Art & Life): https://www.youtube.com/@seekingthejoy

In May of 2024, my life took a turn. I made the choice to devote every single bit of my energy into growing the two social platforms that would help me grow as a business. A place where I can show my progress as an artist, show my work, and develop a community and a life that I wanted and was actively trying to achieve.

Making the decision to change it and grow it into my art world has been one hell of a challenge. I stopped using Instagram and Facebook; other than the fact that I need it just to communicate with family and friends that I don't see on a regular basis. I’m not on them.

The number one reason why? Neither of them encourages me in a way that'll allow me to grow and earn an income to support my life as an artist.

When I graduated college, most of the time when you were trying to show your artwork, you attended an art fairs or you entered jury competitions. That was how you got to be known, you placed yourself in the inner art circle.

What I find entirely ironic is that that inner art circle; most artists don't actually feel like they fit in, it's designed for the people that have the money to spend on the art.

I share my art is not for those that can only afford the expensive art. I enjoy providing affordable art and home decor for everyone to hang in their house so it doesn't look like they only shop at target or IKEA.

Like most of us in 2019, our lives were flipped upside down.

My short version of that; I was traveling in my RV in Alabama when the world shut down, so I came back to Ohio, and worked part-time for my mother in her business. She eventually retired and sold the business. I was also a part-time graphic designer for a company based out of Houston and to offset that income when she retired, I got a secondary job doing similar graphic design work, but different. I was designing brochures and pamphlets.

My dad got sick and passed away on Thanksgiving of 2022. It's been almost two years and it's still not easy. I learned very quickly at that time in my life who my friends were and are.

Losing a parent is the hardest thing that anybody can go through. I went into a severe depression, and gained more weight than I wanted.

Four months later, April 2023, I lost both jobs for 2 very different reasons. 

Since then I have spent the last year trying to grow my own business, Wanderlust and Wit. I sell handmade items on Etsy and I attend local handmade markets with my bestie (KD Creations) by my side as we grow as Artisans. 

This aspect of my art world has become my favorite thing to do, I get to chat with people, have discussions and literally meet some very amazing individuals. Honestly wish it didn't cost $100 per table at most of the events because we as Artisan really don't make a lot of money and many times I'm breaking even at events. Some of them are good and some events are just plain sad.

Everybody wants to buy handmade they don't understand how much it cost to make handmade items and it's disheartening and then question the items that you're making and then you wonder are you going to make an artist or are you going to end up in a ditch somewhere wondering what the hell happen.

I have learned that the first three months of any year are horrible for handmade markets, most people don't have a lot of money because they spent all of it during the holidays.

What Changed?

In 2016 the app TikTok was created by ByteDance. It was released in September 2016 and was the most downloaded app in the United States in October 2018. As of 2022, TikTok has over 3 billion downloads, and over 1 billion active users each month. It was the next social media revolutionary app and it changed everything during a time when people were stuck at home trying to navigate our new world.

Some people believed it was the devil others just loved it because it kept them smiling during a time when the world was just shitty, plain crap. In my mind, I was still planning on traveling and documenting that story so I started seeking the Joy on TikTok and in May of this year. I hopped onto a really weird trend and have since grown my account beyond anything I could've imagined.

I am now officially a “micro influencer” not a fan of that word or “content creator”. Most of society is looking at these two words and downplaying it or looking down upon the work that creators are making. I now earn commissions, and are officially a part of the creator rewards program on TikTok. What does that mean for me? At this time, absolutely nothing but eventually when TikTok gets off changing whatever algorithm they think is working for what they need, any one-minute video that I make and earn an income. This income is going to help me pay my bills instead of for the past year having the amazing support of my mother who has been there through every heartache every pain, and every issue I ever had and has been a large part of helping me survive while I navigated this new creative world. She is a rockstar and I wanna be here to support her now. 

Am I making money as an artist? Yes. It's still not enough to pay my bills. My debt has unfortunately taken a giant leap up because I was relying on Amazon to cover the cost of my materials. Most people know that when you start a small business, you are never gonna earn money your first year that would cover any kind of expense. It will always be a struggle.

This is not a blog to bitch. This is just my story to explain where I have been over the last 3 months. 

Why is a social media presence important for your business?

May 21, 2024 I saw a video about a girl who posted a TikTok video asking people to watch her videos because she made into the creator rewards program and she needed to pay off her debt. I hopped on this train, not knowing what would happen.

Since then, my account has grown tremendously and on June 6, I shared my first art reveal, and it has changed my life, my confidence has soared and I now have blue hair!!

I am proud of my work and every single day I meet an amazing community on an app that continues to blow my mind. I am making the friends and developing connections I would not have had. TikTok is unlike any other app I have ever used. Am I actually making any money on TikTok? I've made $25. It's a start and I have no idea where it's gonna grow but it has helped me tremendously increase my income on Etsy because I'm showing my work there and people are seeing it for the first time.

Since showing my art on TikTok, my Etsy sales have increased twofold.

My advice, if you have been debating whether or not you want to get on TikTok and grow it as an account for your business. Don't question it, go immediately to the app sign up, and start posting every single day. 

If you are unsure of what to post, shire your process, tell people your story, give them the why. Let people know what you sell. Show people know what you make and let people know who you are as a business so it can help you grow in a way you did not know you could.

What social accounts am I actively using?

YouTube and TikTok.

Yes, I have an Instagram account and I will continue to keep it, but Instagram refuses to acknowledge Photographers. They developed an app specifically for us and then decided that we were no longer important, despite the fact that photographers are what grew that app so IG/Facebook can kiss my ass.

Here are my links. I really hope you follow. I hope you get onto this world that we now live in because it may be scary and the tech may throw you off but I'm gonna tell you right now just do it.

TikTok (art/showcase/creatorprogram): https://www.tiktok.com/@seekingthejoy

TikTok (My Shop - sell my art): https://www.tiktok.com/@wanderlustandwit

YouTube: (Art & Life): https://www.youtube.com/@seekingthejoy

Step out of your comfort zone, I know most of my readers are probably Gen Xers, but keep in mind your kids the children that are currently on their phones or their tablets no more about the tech than you give them credit for and can teach you a lot.

Will I still blog?

Yes, but it's not my priority because while I enjoy writing and telling my stories and everything that I'm going through, unfortunately at this point, it's not earning an income so I have to focus my energy on what's going to help support me for what's currently happening in my life.

Earlier this year, my mother was tested and we found out she has the ALZ marker. Does not mean she has Alzheimer's yet, but we are trying to take proactive steps to make sure that she can retain as much of her memory as she can. I am here and not leaving. While I’m sure my mom will like taking some breaks from me (aka we go on separate vacations), I am here to help her navigate the Alheimzer’s world in any way I can.

If you would like to hear more of that story, I have a pinned video on TikTok that I would love for you to watch all the way through pretty please with sugar on top because your girl needs to make some money. also share it, follow me, say hi and if you have any interest in having an architectural home drawn by me and water colored by me, I am now going to offer this as a custom order on Etsy.

I hope everybody has had a fantastic 2024. It's sad that it's almost over and we are going to quickly be moving into 2025 until next time. Have a fabulous fall.

My Latest Work


Photographer, graphic designer, dog mom to Sawyer, Etsy shop owner, and solo traveler trying to make the most of the life I've been given. Life is too short to live in a cubicle. I get lost on backroads and share visual stories of the destinations I discover.


Do What You Love.