Joy Newcomb | a Wandering Palette

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What will full-time RV Life look like in 2022?

“In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!” -Truman

Like Truman, I’ve felt like I’ve done the same thing for a long time. The same day, on repeat, however, life is about to get interesting. Crossing the bridge and getting out of Seahaven. In my case, it’s Ohio.

It’s March 2022, the snow, for now, seems to be gone, but I have the feeling it will at least snow one or two more times. It’s Ohio and honestly expected. This is however the second-best time to be in Ohio. In order of Ohio seasons worth experiencing - Fall (outstanding color), Spring (perfect days), Summer (summer storms), and Winter (only when it first snows).

In the spring, the rain begins to fall, grass begins to grow again, birds are more active in the morning, the sun has this blue cool tone, and being outside when it’s 70 is pure bliss. It warms with cool nights. It can be moody to gorgeous and makes you want to get in the car, roll down the windows, and listen to fantastic music.

Like most of the world, I’ve been waiting for it to become normal, whatever that is supposed to mean. While international travel is still limited, the US is open and I’m happy to say my plans to begin full-time RV Life (again) will start in May. 

My work has shifted, my clients are increasing for my graphic design business, and I am also working as an SEO specialist, the puzzle pieces are falling into place. Part of my excitement is to get out of this comfort zone I’ve created over the last two years. I’m ready to shake things up.

What are my goals for RV Life?

I’ve begun to determine my route and built my travel specifically to visit family and friends. People that I haven’t seen for 2 years or more. The biggest reason I choose to do this was to be able to see family and friends, I’ve met through my 50 years on this planet. I’m not quite certain but I may know someone in each state. 

I have also made the decision that I will be visiting ALL 50 states via RV. I have in fact been to 41 states in my life. I however choose to reset the travel goal when I began RV Life. Most kids growing up in Ohio, went to Florida or a beach somewhere on holidays. 

My family’s travels were usually south to Clayton, OH, or west to Wyoming, where our Great Grandma lived. I spent my summers at Kings Island, Cedar Point, or even Sea World in Ohio. Creating core memories with family. Experiencing Altztimers first hand, as I watched my grandfather lose his memories I’ve learned that these moments can and will disappear. I don’t have kids, I have however one big family. As I begin my travels, I will prioritize them, visiting family and friends as I travel throughout the US.

Heading South to a Horse Ranch to see a cousin (and yes she’s living my 12-year-olds dream), then West to Kansas for a bit to spend time with another cousin, Northwest to Idaho (more cousins, plus an aunt and uncle), maybe making plans to swing by Coeur d’Alene and see some friends I haven’t seen since I lived there. Through the PNW, down through California, (visit friends and my sister from another mister), a stop in Texas (more friends), then the other LA for a while, and hanging with the OG friend and wannabe Ninja. These plans, like most, are literally tentative, weather, places I find, places I just decide to visit, everything is literally up in the air. 

Becoming flexible is required. Not stressing about where I’m going to stay is required. 

How I plan on Utilizing YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok

At the end of February, I began to film a daily vlog. (5 days a week). I also decided I would go to the gym 2-3 times a week.

The goal. Challenge myself creatively. Get Healthier.

I shot videos every day; captured multiple moments and discovered a love of the quiet. Not really talking, just being. It was an outstanding experience and I discovered how I want to film my travels when I get on the road.

I wanted to try this for 30 days, It lasted 11 days. Most people would say I failed. I’m OK with that. I learned something.

  • I began to see the world in unique ways.

  • How can I improve each shot?

  • How can I get better?

  • How can I make my daily routine cinematic?

  • I began to be picky about what I saw through the lens.

  • The phone is easy but limiting.

  • The camera is better but bulky.

  • Editing via phone, I hated.

Daily vlogging is not my cup of tea.

I prefer a story.

In photojournalism, you had to learn to tell a story with one photo. One image that would, with no words, invoke an emotional response from a viewer. It was a silent display of storytelling.

I do enjoy some of the short-form content that exists today however, I am finding that Reels and TikToks are becoming annoying. It’s the same 15-second dance, same “sound” on repeat. EVERYONE is trying to be like everyone. Instead of being their own person.

I hate the word trending. I refuse to do things to be trendy or to gain views as a vlogger. I want to tell stories that mean something to me. Visit places I find beautiful, amazing, and drenched in history. 

When my grandfather made movies he didn’t do it for an audience. He didn’t do it to gain followers or earn a living. He did it to record memories. To capture moments of their vacations to Chicago, Montana, and Wyoming. Trips that they took traveling across the US. There was no sound, it was just my family, climbing rocks, riding horses, smiling, and laughing. Small moments of them growing up. 

Social Media still annoys me and always will, however, I’m going to use it as a learning tool.

  • Instagram, will be more up-to-date, IRL, in regards to photos.

  • TikTok is more of a “let me see how this works” platform, aka trial and error on how I create content and develop short stories

  • YouTube, well, that’s my long-form storytelling platform.

I’ll be taking a break but I’m not done telling stories. I’m just going to try and be more purposeful about that content I put on YouTube. Will I daily vlog again? Nah…I’ll leave that to Casey Neistat.

Will I weekly vlog? 

I sure am going to try, however, like you, I work 35-60 hours a week, have to pay bills, have to run errands, shop buy groceries, walk the dogs, clean my home, do laundry, cook, exercise, talk with friends, watch Netflix, our lives are the same, I however just plan on moving my home every few weeks.

Until Next Time.

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