Living a Minimalist Life

That moment when you actually wake up.  I mean actually WAKE-UP. Not just the climb out of bed in the morning…but that smack in the face, eyes-fly-open, and heart-racing wake-up! You will remember.

December 16th, 2017 (my day)

I got so wrapped up in “having” that I forgot about “living”, I think this is the first true time that I knew what I wanted and am actually working towards it. In previous adventures, I was working towards a different goal.

I have always wanted to travel and take photos for a living. 

If I can make $2000 a month (minimum), then I know I will be ok. There is so much information out there for those that are looking to go full-time.

Like Alice in Wonderland, my journey down the rabbit hole happened one night while looking through Pinterest. It’s like walking into Target and only coming home with one thing…never happens.

HGTV is one of the many stations I will leave on as I do things around my house. Tiny House Nation and Tiny Homes became a fascination. What people were willing to do to live and actually enjoy the life around them was amazing. It was inspiring. So the seed was planted.

That led to looking at small home designs, floor plans, and photos of small homes.

That led to looking at container homes. Recycling material to build the house you want.

That led to looking for land throughout the US.

Then I found 80 acres in Colorado. Gorgeous land under 25K. More affordable than buying a 1000 sq ft lot in LA.

Then that led to thoughts about legacy. What do I want to be remembered for? Buying land and never selling it? Keeping it as raw as the day I bought it. Allowing nature to breathe (a little). Making sure that when I die, it stays in the family and will remain forever 80 empty acres?

Then that led to the thought of vacations and how I only get 2 weeks a year and if I want to see the US, see the worked around me I need to do it now. Not when I retire but NOW.

The rabbit hole keeps growing....

Then I came across a pin from Alyssa and Heath…

which led to her book “A beginners Guide to Living in an RV” by Alyssa Padgett on Amazon and I purchased it. Began reading it at lunch and finished it that night. I was hooked. I now follow them on Instagram and listen to Heath’s podcast on my 1 ½ hour drive home from work.

So I began to read… blogs, posts, research websites, RV costs…and from that, I began to develop an idea of living in an RV and working from the road.

Why not.

I have nothing truly holding me to California. I have amazing friends and I have had some pretty awesome experiences. I mean I’ve seen George Clooney 3 times in person during screenings!

Since I have moved across the country for work, I have met and made friends with people all over the US and from overseas. My family is also spread out. I will have so many places to see, photograph, and experience, that I am kicking myself for not starting or realizing this earlier.

Where do I want to Live?

Living in California, I know unless I were to find the right job, I would never buy property. In California, unless you have a job that pays over 100k a year, you will never be able to actually afford a house. I’m not saying people don’t do it, but they often find themselves strapped and unable to experience anything other than; Sleep, Work, & Eating.

I don’t want that but I did want to start thinking about what I wanted. A house? Where? Where did I want to live the rest of my life?

I have no clue.

I have lived in:

  • Selma, Indiana

  • Muncie, Indiana

  • Canton, Ohio

  • Short Hills, New Jersey

  • Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

  • Canton, Ohio

  • Los Angeles, California

So, the basis of my plan is to also find where I do what to live. I have no idea how long I will be on the road. How long this adventure will last, but I am excited and each day, I listing and trying to sell my stuff. The quicker I get that done and get my things cut back to what I will truly need. The easier it will be to make this move.


My name is Joy I am an Artist, Storyteller & Small Business Owner. Join me as I rediscover the artist I am meant to be my painting process, explore new places, and share behind-the-scenes moments from my adventures and daily life.

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