Distractions are the…

wait what was that?

The dark room sign was grabbed from the newspaper, when we switched from film to digital. The room at the Rep was “de-darkroomed” in 2003, not sure if that would ever be a word, but I’m making it one. This sign has hung on every bathroom door I’ve had. 


It’s kinda how I feel right now. 

I’m not sure if it’s the change of season, that summer has pretty much ended. Kids are back in school, the evenings are cooler again. Fall is fast approaching and while I have posted about selling my trailer, I need to list it on other sites to get some traction.

I will have the house to myself for a few weeks while mom enjoys her first overseas vacation with her sister. I am EXTREMELY jealous of the places they will be going.

I will be “manning the fort” and handing both pups.

I’ve got plans for this month that will be fun and unique. Heading up to Cleveland with a friend to photograph butterflies. Fall Festival at Hartville. Sunflower Festival at Maize Valley. I’m updating and adding events to my calendar for fall. Things I want to do or photograph. It’s amazing how quickly I find myself in a very simple routine when there are fun things that can be done or experienced. I have to remind myself often to get out, instead of working pretty much 10am to 10pm.

Routine: Wake, let Sawyer out, make coffee, feed the pup, mindlessly scroll or read emails over coffee. Head up to the office and I start my day. Break for lunch, a dog walk, back to the office, dinner, then work downstairs while mom and I find another show to watch/binge until bed.

Orders are picking up which is fan-freakin-tastic — not quite the bill “payer” yet — but I’m loving what I’m doing. The benefit of having a laptop and desktop; I can always work. No complaints, I’m working for myself and it’s pretty much a requirement. Sawyer unfortunately can’t count as employee however, other than a mascot or alarm. Pretty sure I can’t write anything off that I buy for him. Maybe the ENDLESS supply of lampchops’ I have to buy him.

Now that the first sad attempt at a garage sale is done (sort of). We are planning another one — in fact keeping it up in the garage for a fall sale, where EVERYTHING - including a leather couch is .25 cents. Not kidding. 

We need it gone. 

So if you need anything for your home…you could seriously walk away with some deals of a lifetime.

Mascot hard at work.

Projects for the week

Get Sawyer’s nails trimmed

Remove all items from the trailer.

Clean it inside out.

Post the listing to other facebook groups

Clean out the truck. 

Photograph the truck.

Get the Kayak registered (yes this is something that is required by the DMV)

Not get Distracted.*

*Lost the battle on the last one. In fact — I’m finishing up this blog, late. Again. I can say however that while I may be a bit late, writing has helped me tremendously “sort-of” stay on track.

Yesterday, while writing, I stopped what I was doing, made lunch and was quickly distracted by an idea that I should create logos for local businesses. No charge. Just design something that they may like. I’ve done it for friends. I need to grow that aspect of my business and what better way than to provide something THEY need in hopes of them using it, sharing it, telling others etc via word of mouth / word of Facebook / word of Instagram. Doesn’t always work, but I’d rather be kind. I’d rather do something for someone than be selfish.

I’ve learned over the years that my kindness can and will be taken advantage of, only if I let It.

Hoping that kindness in the end wins. 

I’ve already got two businesses lined up for a logo design idea.

Need a logo for your small business? Inspiration may strike and if you’d like to be on the short list - send me a message.

Ongoing Tasks 

Garage Sale 1.0

Garage Sale 2.0 (all items will be .25 cents)

Repair Trailer Window

Shoot Video of Trailer for YouTube/Insta

Post Video of Trailer

Clean Trailer 

Take Photos of trailer 

Write selling info for trailer

Post trailer on other sites

Remove all items keeping from trailer

Sell Trailer

Get all shipping supplies needed for Wanderlust & Wit

Print Ohio State Parks map

Post Map to IG / YT w/link

Completed CA State Parks map

Start PA state parks map

Print Photos for Hartville Flea Market

Prep for Flea Market

Attend Flea Market (again)

Get a game plan in place for my first flea market show.

Clean truck

Photograph truck

Sell truck

Find new truck

Find truck camper

Get back on the road.

Get Sawyer Groomed

Optimize Etsy Store (working on it)

Register Kayak

Plan a potential trip to California (need to meet a couple of new additions) #myfriendshadakid



My name is Joy I am an Artist, Storyteller & Small Business Owner. Join me as I rediscover the artist I am meant to be my painting process, explore new places, and share behind-the-scenes moments from my adventures and daily life.


Starting My Creative Business


2019 Forest River Solaire 205SS - 4 SALE!!!