Joy Newcomb

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Last Blog of 2019

This is my final blog for the year. I’ve spent the last couple of months with my family, remodeling the RV (with the help of my brother and mom) and making a game plan for 2020. My mom is AMAZING at the organization. It was a skill taught by my grandmother…I’m not that great at it..while I like having everything in its place, finding that place in a VERY small space has been a challenge and she’s been helping me reorganize and eliminate many of the items I thought I needed but never used.

Honestly, when I left Los Angeles, it was more about, getting everything in the RV and trying to get to Ohio as quickly as possible. If you watch the video I explain why I didn’t drive into Chicago and end my story of Route 66.

I know Chicago is not going anywhere, so I will (definitely) drive Route 66 again.

Organizing my RV

Find all the right places to put your “things”, the stuff you need every day. It wasn’t something I EVER had to think about. I had the space. I had the storage options.

Living in a 24ft Motorhome, well…sometimes it requires thinking outside the box, finding unique ways to handle the lack of storage. Places to put things that you need, places to put things that you” may” need but not every day. It can be a bit of a challenge, especially when downsizing.

I will be sharing my remodeling video (still have to edit them) after the first of the year. My plan is to be on the road again sometime in January and heading to much warmer weather; but for now, I’m hanging with family and friends which I’ve not REALLY been able to do in the last 15 years. While I came home usually once a year, the week-long visits always flew by, and never seemed to have the time I wanted.


I’m also taking this time to make this RV my home, redesigning the inside to fit my needs. So this lovely paint job and fabric that Winnebago put in this thankfully now gone.

Not sure about you, but for me, this pattern does not scream “Relax, take it easy, enjoy your Journey”

It just screams…

My RV Future

Until Next year and I show you the changes I’ve made to my RV; you can binge-watch my first season, where I follow Route 66 and stop at a few unique places along the way. I do know for certain, this is not going to be the only time I travel this fun and unique highway..and HIGHLY recommend you take the journey and venture off the beaten path.

I’ve also decided to change the name of my YouTube Channel to AYJ Adventures, I think it just makes more sense for the journey I’m really about to take; Full-time living in an RV!!! 

I am still editing photos, and slowly (painfully slowly) getting them uploaded to my gallery, where you can purchase prints, posters, pillows, bags, notebooks and even canvases of my photos. I use a professional printing service that drops ships directly to your home/address/office/dorm…basically anywhere you want.

Doing this helps support my journey and also gives you a unique photo you can not buy at Ikea.

Click  —- > HERE 

Happy Holidays and See you in 2020!!