Joy Newcomb

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Do What You Love.

Now that I am a travel agent what does that mean? Lots and lots of hours of training. Each cruise line has a training program you need to run through to receive many of the perks of being a travel agent for their company.

Since this is a commission-based income, it’s similar to freelance. I make my own hours, which is 100% of what I need. This does however mean I’ve had to rethink how I work. When I work and how to keep on top of those that are looking to book travel with me. I am proud to say that I already have 2 clients and absolutely love this new path.

The answer to the question “What do you do for a living?”

Travel Agent, YouTuber (yes I’m back), Etsy shop Owner, Craft/Artisan Vendor, Amazon Merch Designer, and Freelance Designer.

When I lost my 2 part-time contract jobs a year ago, I made the choice that I was going to work for myself. I was going to devote all my energy, and my money back into doing something I love. I was going to put me in the front row. After my life as a photojournalist, I moved into the workforce that helped others build up their own businesses. I was the “go-to” person. Meaning I was the “go-ask” person in companies. I improved infrastructures, built SOPs, and developed a back-end e-commerce platform that skyrocketed a division of a company and increased revenue 400%. I was the creative mind behind advertisements, website designs and the backend brain in SEO development.

This time instead of watching someone else succeed off my knowledge, I chose to hop into the driver's seat. 

This is not easy path. I’ve had some very hard lessons over the last year. Lots of breakdowns. Moments when I just really didn’t know what direction I was heading. Wondering if I was actually making or creating something that people wanted. Everything clicked in December. Inspiration started and I found that what I was creating for Etsy was unique enough that, many times I am the only one with items like mine at events. 

Since 2019 my world has changed. I do not go to work every day to an office. I don’t have 50+ colleagues to say hi to, catch up with, or share stories. It went to phone calls, zoom meetings, text messaging, and learning 5 different apps that all “state” productivity but seem to add more work. This small change has had a significant impact to me socially and I have found that attending 2 craft events a month helps give me that same feeling. Talking with those who stop by, sharing stories, and laughing is honestly 1000% why I don’t think I ever want to stop attending events. 

What I have learned about being an artisan at Craft events.

Every show is different.

Local community events are amazing. (4H Clubs, Boy Scouts, etc)

Marketing is key to a successful event 

If it shows 1K+ interested on Facebook the event should be good.

Be different than everyone else.


It’s a perfect place to display my Travel Agency gig.

I’ve pretty much got my craft fair business honed in and have learned quite alot. Especially when determining the types of events I plan on attending. Will my crafts ever make me a multi-millionaire? No. That is not my intention or goal. My intention is to create something that people will treasure and keep a lifetime.

My main goals for attending events:

  • Make something no one else does

  • Keep it focused around travel.

  • Earn enough to make back my table fees.

  • It needs to fit in one wagon (almost there)  — table and tent will never fit, but my items do.

  • Meet new people

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