Joy Newcomb | a Wandering Palette

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I’m Feeling Overwhelmed

I have been putting off writing in my blog for a few weeks now. There is so much information, ideas, concepts and things that I’d like to do but working full-time it’s it’s almost nearly impossible. I found that I was getting slightly overwhelmed with the amount of work I wanted to get done personally and for clients.

Developing concepts and actually having the time to implement them is a massive challenge while working full time. Unfortunately my issues stem from living in LA.

Too Many Tabs Open!

My schedule

  • 4:30 Am - (First) Alarm

  • 6:00 am - Out the door (arrive before 7am) leaving plenty of time for the 405

  • 3:30-4 - Head Home

  • 5-6pm - Home

  • Bed - 9-10pm

I’m spending 12 hours a day, just for work (3 of it driving). Some days are less but since I moved to LA 14 years ago, traffic has tripled. My 19 miles from work is taking two hours. I have always lived in the valley and worked on the “other side of the hill” (yes this is a saying in LA). I’m used to traffic, I’m used to having to drive. Which I do not mind and actually love driving. I just don't love the inefficiency of LA driving. My previous drive which was 25 miles away took an hour (same highway).

By the time I get home, handle the immediate issues (dogs) and things settle it’s 7pm. This leaves me 2 hours to work on my websites, blog, chat with friends, neighbors, feed myself and relax.

It’s not much time.

My weekends become the push, but...lately, I have needed a mental break. It’s not that I’m changing my mind, it’s just that I’ve realized that I was stressing myself to get so much of it completed without focusing on what I truly needed to do; which was taking care of myself and understand that I will get there. I will be on the road quicker than I can even imagine and this phase; this painful step will fly by.

I wish that I could work six hours a day and then spend another six hours a day working on personal projects. I am re-learning the meaning of patience. It’s not easy, when I focus on a task, that’s it, I work on it until I have the problems or issues figured out, then I move on. This however, is not the best practice. I figure out how to fix the problems, but once the work becomes tedious I get bored. My mind craves that challenge.

Refocusing My Mind to Get Things Done

I’ve taken a step back to focus on what I need to actually complete, not the wish list of concepts I want to begin to develop.

It’s much harder than you would think. Changing your perspective. Changing the way you’ve done something your entire life. I am in constant struggle. I’m trying to control the pattern I’ve ingrained in my mind as to how tasks should be completed.

Currently, I have decided to set aside those tasks that can be done while I am out on medical leave and recovering from a much-needed knee replacement surgery (D-Day Sept 27th)

Organize my computer/images

  • Organize and shred my filed paperwork

  • Update the computer software / RAM (ok so I’m getting this done next week) but have been having issues.

  • Price out the things I can sell right now.

  • Plan an apartment sale

Too Much Information about Living in an RV

I realize that there is so much information available online about how to do this and how to do that. There’s blogs about how to or what to do, trips to plan and things that you need for your RV. I personally was overwhelmed because there is such a wealth of information am I just drove my excitement much faster than I needed it too because I have to take care of things.

While I haven’t written recently, my goal is to truly write once a week and if I can more. I do however have to complete client work, and still sleep. The last two days I’ve been surviving on 4-5 hours of sleep.

One of the many tasks I take on everyday is unsubscribing…. Painfully going through my emails and hitting unsubscribe on crap I don’t need, The 300 emails I got a day, has significantly shrunk. It’s so easy to quickly sign up for things you have an interest in that you don’t realize how MUCH of it you will NEVER read because you don't have the time!

Last week I decided I needed a journal, a physical thing I can write in. A place that I can write thoughts, ideas and notes. Found a nice small leather bound journal that will fit in my purse and I can carry it everywhere.

I know I have my phone, but for me there is something about physically writing it down that helps focus my thoughts and will hopefully keep this overwhelming urge to jump before I’m ready.